Gesture drawing critique requested

Hello there, and merry Christmas Eve! I’m new to my drawing journey and have been working at gesture drawing for about 5 days now. This is my latest attempt tonight. Any helpful critique or feedback would be very much appreciated! I haven’t drawn in about 10 years, and this is my first attempt at serious study to improve. Thank you for your feedback.
hi euphony
i really like your gesture drawings, love the one on the first page in the right corner.
most was already said by martha so i'm not gonna add much. the only thing i would love to see would be the reference images.
it's great that you're drawing again! drawing after such a long time takes courage. keep going :D
Happy holidays and welcome!
You definitely have fluidity in your gestures, so the next thing to practice would be counterbalancing it with more structure. A way to start out would be by focusing on the variety of lines you utilize, bringing the range of C S and I lines. Right now, there's a tendency to go for a large part of the outline at once, when breaking it down into more simple and intentional lines will help with clarity and definition as you describe the figure. It will also help bring in more straight edges to balance out your drawing, as there's a tendency for more curves that risk losing the structure of your drawing.
Once you feel comfortable with this, you can start thinking about the figure as a set of basic 3D objects, such as boxes and cylinders, that will help reinforce your drawing's 3-dimensional space. I think this video has a great explanation and is a good starting point to tackle this:
I also highly recommend checking out this video on rhythms for gesture, as it's a very comprehensive guide to starting out:
Hope this helps and let me know if you have any further questions :)