[Gesture/Bean Drawing]

Hey everyone!
I'm new to figure drawing and I'm looking for feedback on my beans. I used poses 1-39 of the Large pack of Aaron posing from Proko. I'm guessing I can't post those here so I'm not sure if there is a good way to give the reference images. Hopefully it's still possible to get some feedback without them? Any suggestions for providing reference pose images in future posts?
Thanks. Hope you are all well!
Nice work! Looking at your beans though, I get the feeling that you drew along the contours of the bean, which misses a very important process of the drawing: draw through!
Drawing through is important as it takes the multitude of things that you need to juggle when drawing the bean and simplifies it down into manageable steps. Drawing two ovals to represent the masses of the torso and the pelvis, connecting them with lines, adding orientation features (folds, twists, etc) and then adding the center line is a much easier process than trying to draw the bean straight from contour, as trying to draw it as is without any drawthrough means you're trying to handle perspective, proportion, orientation, and gesture at the same time, which is a crazy amount to handle, especially for artists who are just new to the bean. Try as Stan does in the videos and follow along, he usually does the drawthrough process as I have described. Sometimes he'll start with the longest lasting arc - that technique is usually seldom used in this stage of the figure drawing course and should probably be avoided until you have a good grip on the bean's proportions, as starting with the longest lasting arc is essentially starting with contour, and we've already covered why that's not the greatest idea in the beginning.
Keep it up!
It is difficult to give comments without the reference photos, but the beans look good. I can get a sense of form and direction from them. Nice work! I am not sure if you can post the reference photos here...