Figure Drawing
I haven't done a figure/gesture drawing in a while, so I'm glad that I have still retained some skill. Any thing that I can improve on?
Hey Caleb,
Nice job tackling this pose, it's a real good one to practice on. What I noticed the most is the proportions. See how the head is large, then the hips get much smaller, then the legs get even smaller. This is why we make sure all are proportions are working in the structural stage first. After doing a gesture drawing, we can build our structural drawing on top so that our drawing doesn't stiffen up. I did a quick sketch to show you what I mean, I hope it helps :)
I'm by no means an expert but I would say do some looser sketches as well as more finishing drawings like this. Sketching skills and drawing skills are two very different skills. Get a sketchpad just for quick loose gestures/ sketches and don't try to make them prefect. Don't even show anybody these sketches that way you feel less obligated to make them perfect. (thus making them less stiff and more fluid) also there's an incredible book called: Figure drawing design and invention by Michael Hampton. that MFer can do gestures like a pro haha The book goes over balance, Timing, "the about to" pose, etc. It will really help you put more life and action into the figure. Making the figure look mid-action rather than in between actions. It also might help to think of the gesture as an exercise in the way lines move the eye thru the figure.
My process for stuff like this is to do a light, loose sketch and then layer details on top as I continue working. It's how I solve the problem of going into details to early in a drawing. Also I feel it's good to show off sketches to people, since they aren't made for the purpose of being a perfect sketch since sketches are never perfect. And if you plan on turning a sketch into a finished piece then sharing it is ideal for showing the process behind it. I get your reasoning behind it so don't take this as me denying your advice, but I thought I would share my thought process behind how I work. I do appreciate the advice.
oh i almost forgot you can find the book for free just by googling "name of the book .pdf". You can get almost any art book for free that way! Your drawing looks great btw KEEP GOIN MAN!