(Feedback) Mannequinization

Hi! i've been doing mannequinization practices and i think they turned out okay, but i'd like to know if maybe i'm doing something wrong or how could improve. So if someone could give me some advice, i would really appreciate it.
Hey ana_101,
Nice job on all these figures. I agree with @Kristian Nee about the gesture part of your drawings, his advise is sound. You lost a lot of the gesture when you mannequinazed your figures, which we want to avoid so that our drawings don't become stiff.
As far as the mannequization you did, you want to use simple shapes like tubes and boxes. This makes it easier to show perspective and volume. I did a quick sketch to show you what I mean, I hope it helps :)
Hey! Great job on these! You're getting the hang of it!
The first thing I'd say is that though these drawings are accurate, and structurally sound, they don't flow together. The individual shapes don't feel like a cohesive whole and as a result, all of them feel disjointed.
I did a draw over below illustrating what I'm talking about. What I'd recommend is review Stan's videos, How to Draw Gesture and Steve Huston's videos on how gesture relates to structure.
You're on the right track and keep up the good work!