Feedback and help finding my weak points.
I am trying to get some feedback about my art and an outsiders perspective on what is wrong and what areas need improvement the most, i did two posts a while ago asking the same thing and the advice i had was focusing on negative space and better lines.
To try and get better at negative space i filled a page with random shapes and tried to imagine a character from it in image 1,3 and 4, and to get better at linework i tried drawing some more geometrical stuff in image 2,6 and 7, what should i focus on now?
First off I love the pages with multiple characters and objects. How do you come up with so much stuff?
The next thing is. It's really hard to give you feedback when we don't even know what your goal with your art is. What do you want to draw? Do you want to do it professionally or casual? Who are your art parents?
Narrowing it down so people have a much easier time giving feedback is important. There is a thread on it when you go to Community then to Art Lounge. Another way is to listen to the draftsmen podcast episode on it.
There is always so much to say about art. I could tell you a lot of things that are great about your art and things that need some work. But for people getting the feedback it is just too much at once and for people giving it.....well it would take hours giving proper feedback with good resources.
I hope that helps you a lot.
I dont plan on drawing professionally at the moment, someone who could be a "parent" and also does things the closest to what i want to do is androidArts: , i also like the stuff from modernDayJames, and
I want to imagine worlds and draw characters and places that belong to it, the fundamentals i want to improve in order of importance to me are:
-Form and structure
-Anatomy(altought not human anatomy necessarily since i like to draw mostly humanoids/monsters, but i want them to look belivable, does it still count as anatomy?)
-Lighting and shadow
I am trying to improve mostly the first three, and altough not a fundamental i am also atempting to improve my visual library and imagination, the way i found out so far to practice that works best for me is picking a theme that would help me to learn something i am lacking at and filling a page with drawings about it.
For example at the moment i want my art to look like it has more structure and better lines so i drew some veicles in image 6, mostly from reference, i am currently drawing a page of veicles from imagination and after that the plan is drawing some more geometrical monsters/creatures trying to keep the tight perspective and forms of veicles.
What are the things i should focus on improving to be more like AndroidArts for example?