Features placement

Hello been studying a lot and there is lots of ups and downs. Honestly I’m still completely lost regarding the planes of the eyes. I’ve tagged so many people but haven’t received much response not sure if this community is dead or alive. Anyway to keep a bit of consistency I’ve posted my 1st legit drawing from imagination( some of it was ref like the nose and eye brows). I’ve been having a bit of trouble with placing the eyes. I’ve practiced skulls placing eyeballs in skulls and like I got the gist of it but sometimes I wonder if maybe I interpreted it incorrectly. I’ve watched dozens of tutorials and they never explicitly state this is where the eye goes most of the time they just wing it. So here’s my artwork I just want to know if my placement is correct or not and the overall illustration is it decent. Thank you
Hey there!
I did a drawover to best illustrate the placement for features at this angle. I think part of the issue is that the section for the jaw became larger than average. While the Loomis model does change proportions from person to person, with a feminine/young figure, you'd want to go closer to the average or even smaller. The guideline used for the nose indicated that the side oval plane was also on the smaller side, making the jaw appear even larger. Moving these guidelines resulted in the nose (and consequently the mouth) to move further down, and I also kept them closer to the center line since the head is still mostly facing forward.
As for eyes, yours are already pretty close in placement. I know in anime, eyes tend to remain a bit flatter, so stylistically it's up to you, but it's good to practice incorporating perspective nonetheless. For this, it mostly came down to showing the left eye (her right) at more of an angle as the plane of her face rotates away from us. It helps to think about the face as a simplified rounded surface for this.
I hope this helps and do let me know if you have further questions.