Do you believe there's value in taking studies beyond this level of finish?

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It's a 1 hour-ish study but I'm not sure I can get much mileage out of continuing. I included the drawing as well but it's barely visible.
I've learned to love rendering so I want to push it further but I feel like it's more important for me to improve on shape design and to not be so literal
I think it depends what you're studying (colour, light/shadow, perspective, proportions)? I actually think though the best thing to do is pause and self-critique. If you then feel the piece is working well you can certainly take it into further detail, but otherwise take note of your feedback and attempt another study.
It looks pretty good though! I'd just darken the left-side eye socket and add some occlusion shadows (but depends what you're studying)...
Hi Tyler. First, it looks really nice. Awesome for me being bad at rendering hehe. But:
I have not too much experience on painting. But it will have value always, depending on your goal of the exercise. If it is shape design and more stylish(?) is your goal, you can practice it like you did here, at a more rendered level.
Or just go to really symple and general shapes in a sketch. And then, form big to small dedicate your time only to shape.
Hope it help. Keep it up!