Critique required

did this digital painting today and I would love some tips on how I can add some more to the backgrounds. My drawings are usually centered on the subject in the foreground and I have problem deciding what to do with the rest of the blank space except coloring it a color that'll match with the main drawing. Also any critique on any other element is welcomed :)
@aheneha Very nice work on the forms, lights and colors of the drapery! Really stunning!
To add something to the feedback you’ve already received, I suppose I’d also double-check the proportions of the figure! It seems to me that his torso is a bit too long - especially the distance from the waist to the crotch. I’m imagining him in a basic standing pose and it seems that the tip of the fingers would be higher than the middle of the thighs (which is where they should align).
Hope this helps!
Hey! I agree with Alexander except for one point. The Person in the image doesnt have any contact with the ground. In the sense that there is no shadow cast by his body so he is floating a bit.
Oh right yes, I hadn't noticed that before, it does look off. Thank you for responding and pointing that out! :D
Hey man! very nicely done. Love the clothing and that you also added some fellow to the light. In my opinion the background is fine - check out Alex Hanuka's drawings, you'll like those. Regarding improvements: I would spend a bit more time on the non-clothing: head, hands and feet. The focus is a bit too much on the pants and as human we're drawn to the face so if that doesn't work the rest of you image can be perfect but we'll be bothered. So if you create the same hard edges in the face as you do in te pants it'll be more balanced. Does that help?
That helps a lott! Thank you, I do need to spend more time on the face and hands actually yeah. Thanks for that advice I appreciate it