Color practice
color practice, without eyedropper tool, just one brush. What do you tink? how can i imrpove my color skills?
@Kako Great color study! I think that you captured all of these different hue and value changes really beautifully.
I just wanted to add that something you could pay attention to is the way that the color and value dulls and darkens in that top shelf behind the glass, as well as that area where the right wall of the fridge has a reflected image of the beverages. For instance, because of the way that the thickness or slight tint of the glass obscures the pastries, especially in the very top shelf, those pastries are much darker and desaturated in value in comparison to the beverages that are just displayed in the open.
Hope that helps! Keep up the good work! :)
I understand, the opacity and the reflection of the glass was very difficult. Thank you for commenting, I will keep trying
I would suggest taking Marco Bucci's color course on here. I'm going through it now and doing a lot of tests with my palette and color.
Hi @Kako, one thing to take note of while doing color exercises is that if your values are off, then the color will be off as well. Getting the proper color is dependent on getting the proper value. That being said, you can throw the two images into greyscale and see how their are slight value differences in your study.
It looks like overall, the color of the exterior of the fridge should be made darker, both in the area of light and in the area of shadow. The area of food in the top shelf should also be simplified into a darker mass.
When I look at the two images in color, I think you may have saturated the food and drink area just a bit much, which makes the colors clash a bit. I think it might help to unify your colors by starting off with the base color of the fridge exterior first, and then comparing all of your subsequent colors off of that fridge color.
This is definitely a tricky exercise, and I think most of your colors are about 80% of the way there, so great job! Just keep some of the aforementioned concepts in mind when doing your future studies. Hope this helps!