Bargue Plater

Hi- I'm new at Bargue plates and was hoping for your feedback. I know my layin is messy- any other tips or advice that you can share? It would mean the world to me
Thanks in advnace
Hi Esther,
I've created a walkthrough for my approach to Bargue plates and observational drawing in general that might be useful:
Congratulations on getting your drawing this far!
My main thoughts:
- In a few places, the transitions along the terminator feel a bit too sharp/sudden. There is potential there to turn the form more convincingly by pushing some dark halftones a bit darker.
- There is a bit more fine detail in the eyelashes of the original plate – an important element in the drawing.
- Your shading in the light halftones is a bit harsh. Check out this lesson where I explain why we need to be very subtle in the light halftones to create a convincing light effect:
It's great to see the different stages, thanks for sharing them!
Oh hey it's you
This is pretty good @esthermaxwellfineart ,I think you got the value and shape pretty close to the original bargue plate.Though I think you made the edge on the shadow side of the left cheek too hard compare to the original.( and also in the neck now thay I look at it.)
Personally I did that part using a stump,but of course you can go over it again with the side of a pencil and give a gradient to it.(here's an example by stephen bauman doing just that:
[Also if you haven't yet,please check out Stephen Bauman's bargue drawing series: )
Also I think you made the value on the left hair slightly too light-particulary the bounce light next to the terminator.(Also here's my own drawing and the process as example if that helps.)
But other than that pretty good,please keep going and also if you're going to do more bargue plate,feel free to post it :D