Asking for feedback for composition and color
Ken Tran
Hello everyone, I just got into digitally painting not long ago but had a very fun time with it. Still I am always struggling to find my color is kind of boring and unappealing, so I decided to do various photo study and try to push my color as much as possible.
Here are my two latest attempts at photo studying, I really like the color of the 2nd one but I feel like I failed the composition, while I think I did decent on that for the first piece but the color wasn't as how I really wanted it to turn out. Could anyone help me pointing out what could I have done better? Thank you!
@Ken Tran perhaps you could experiment with a value study of your artwork in grayscale and compare to artworks you like to see how they use contrast of values. I see you have lots of middle values, and suggest adding more of lightest lights and darkest darks. Perhaps you could have more contrast between light and dark shapes, and usually high contrast in selected area can create exciting focus of attention for the viewer. I hope that helps.
Oh, thank you! My value honestly isn't the best, I tried to keep track of it but often lose it while in the process of painting. I will also try to experiment with the high contrast in the focal point, that is something I have never considered before.
Hey Ken! I could attempt at giving you advice on composition but I'm struggling with the same. But, I'm taking this course from the Society of Visual Storytelling and it is absolutely fantastic.
It is by far the best information I've ever seen on composition. It has free trial that is more than long enough to take the course if the price it to high.
Thank you, though I would love to hear anything you have in mind that you feel off in my drawing, not just the composition. I feel like I could use some help on lighting and shadow + brushwork too since I'm still quite new to all of this. And thanks again for letting me know about the course, I will definitely check it out later.