Any critiques?
Hi guys just some features study from proko and gesture, any critiques?
Ciao Valerio, piacere di conoscerti; è bello vedere un connazionale in questo contesto così internazionale :D. Molto bello lo studio che hai fatto di naso e bocca, per quanto riguarda le gestures ti consiglierei di focalizzarti meno sul cross contours e più sul concetto di pinch and stretch così da dare alle figure più esagerazione nel gesto e quindi renderlo più riconoscibile. Spero ti aiuti XD
Gestures are coming along! Maybe try to push each pose a little more and really go for the movement or flow of the pose. You’re on the right track!
You did a wonderful job on the nose and lips! The nose seems a little flat on the tip and I think it should poke out more contrast wise to the nostrils adjacent from it but despite that maybe small kink you're doing a smashing job.
Your figures are good as well, it might help you to use less cross contours since it can make it feel like you're relying on structure too much and it's making them seem a bit stiff, if you have a perfect mix of your ability to silhoutte a shape and use clean and effective cross contours I think you'll see some good progress!