A work in progress
Jo Edgehill
Hi! I'd like some feedback on this drawing I've been working on the past few days. I'd appreciate critique on anything , the background ,the anatomy,etc. Thank you for any help! :)
Hey Jo!
Overall this is a cool painting, but I have a couple of thoughts to share that might help :)
1. I think perhaps you could explore anatomy a little more, in this particular character her torso seems quite thinner than it should be. I find that remembering the rib cage is generally quite close in width to the pelvis can help with a balanced composition!
2. The purple and yellow are great colour choices as they compliment each other marvellously! The only issue with your colour choice that I can see is the purple of the shirt doesn't stand out from the purple behind it in the background. I think if you changed the purple of the background it could make your character stand out more than it currently does.
Hope this is helpful!! Good work 🙌
This was definitely helpful! I see how the torso is a little awkward. And as for the colors ,I'll try to maybe darken the jacket? I'd love your opinion on that haha. Thanks so much for your critique!
its an amazing drawing but i have one thing i think there might be too much purple but apart from that i think its swell
Ohh okay , I see where you're coming from. I'll try to lessen the purple haha.Thank you so much! :)