1-5 minute gesture drawings
Christopher K.
Here are a few gesture drawing sessions I've done recently. I have really been trying to practice my line with some simple exercises during warm ups. The 1-2 minute poses in these life drawing videos get a little hectic! Any and all critiques on these are welcome! Thanks for looking!
I really like second page. It's like I can feel how you are searching for the feeling of the poses and deciding when to turn into cross contour flows. Nice stuff!
These are amazing! I really like the flow and confidence of the lines you use for the legs. The foreshortening and overlapping of elements in some I think are very well done too!
Something that has helped me is to draw the same pose twice or even 3 times in a row! Could be with the same amount of time or less, but repeating it and iterating it can help you perfect it and find new ways of solving things. I know this is pretty much impossible to do during the actual session, but afterwards it's something that I have done which has helped that muscle memory!
Agreed! I definitely have been trying to do that more. Thank you for the kind words!
Hi Christopher!
I love the way you capture the emotions of the gestures, you are really able to tell a story just from the them, that is really well done! I especially love the poses on the last page they look so beautiful and graceful!
I feel that some of your lines might be a bit overworked though (drawn with several lines instead of just one) and on the first page some of the legs looks a bit to stiff, you might try making them with just the tiniest bit of an S-curve to get a more fluid lines.
I don’t know if you are using your shoulders then you are drawing or not, but it is always helpful to remember, and it really helps with getting more flowing lines.
I you haven't seen it, you could watch the video about how to hold and control your pencil:
You mentioned the poses in the life drawing videos feeling a little hectic. Something that I found that really helps me then I follow along the gesture videos from the figure drawing course, (the ones there he draws in real time, not the ones that are sped up), is to move my arm to the rhythm of the videos background music. It makes it easier for me to get into a rhythmic flow of the drawing and it feel a bit meditative and not stressful!
Maybe that could help you to, you could try watching Stan draw the same pose more then once to really get into the rhythm of it and try to move your arm in a similar way as he does, to slow it all down some.
I hope of this might be helpful, best of luck with your drawings!
Thank you! I really appreciate the thorough feedback! I added the pencil control video to my classroom and I cant wait to give the other tips a try too!
These Gestures have a lot of great movement. Really nice work overall. I especially enjoy your third page, you're getting some good flow and indication without getting fussy. Keep developing these!
Hello Christopher! Expressive gestures! Your marks have great confidence! I would recommend you use a "soft touch" for some marks, such as the cross contour lines. With soft-touch, I mean light marks with fuzzy borders. I think that it would make the drawing clearer since you can express hierarchy. I have some gesture drawing demos on my YouTube Channel, just in case you were interested. Here is the link https://youtu.be/HRurIzqywbQ
Wow I can see your sketch gradually form a body for each single pose. Although I am quite curious with the legs where there is no consistency (thickness wise) but I am amazed that I can read the movements.