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Stefano Ziffarelli
added comment inMarco Bucci AMA - Concept Art and Illustration
Hello Marco! Here my questions (sorry for my english) :
in a situation of warm light against cold light, are the shadows to be considered as if it were an overcast sky situation?
I mean, are the lights cold and the shadows warm?
And, how do you handle the values when using multiply mode? If you stay in the middle, is it like you are at the bottom of the darkest point?
are you of italian origins?
Thanks for your teaching, color has always been my bully but thanks to you we are now making friends.
Ciao Stefano! Yes, I am Italian, but I don't speak it. My parents (both immigrants) never taught me the language, as they wanted us to be fully immersed in English! I wish I spoke it, but alas.
Anyway, I'm unfortunately not sure what you mean by "warm light against cold light." A general rule of thumb is to make the light source influence the temperature of the colors it hits. So if a cold light (eg. Overcast day) is hitting a white ball, that white will shift to a cooler hue. Then the shadow of that ball may NOT shift quite as dramatically to that cool hue, thereby making it feel warmer in comparison. Opposite for warm light.
When I paint on multiply mode, I usually am picking very light colors, knowing that everything I do will darken my painting. It's very easy to crush your shadows too dark too soon, and I try to avoid that (unless that is the aesthetic of the picture itself.) I do like to lay in a solid shadow shape first, which will determine the separation of light vs shadow in my picture. Then I can use multiply mode to either add halftones to the light side (which is just a slightly darker version of the average light value) or some dark accents in the shadows.
I'm happy my videos have been helping! Good luck with your work!
Stefano Ziffarelli
Asked for help
for this wonderful lesson I wanted to use a photo taken in Japan during a trip two years ago as a reference and apply the complementary color palette. beautiful and very fun exercise!