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Adam Chabros
added comment inChapter 3 Assignment
Asked for help
So, lemme say what I was trying to do while drawing the characters. They are drawn in the same order as in assignment.
So, first one should be "routin and orderly, but also timid and shy". To show first part I try use some symmetrical cloths design. The second part I try to show by pose and expression. Additionaly I try using more roundness in shapes.
Second character should be "proactive and aggressive leader who is also selfless and warm". I try use more sharp edges to show his agrresive part, composing him in triangle, trying give squer feeling for his warm part.
The third one should be "kindhearted peacekeeper that is also slightly sadistic and cynical". Maybe it doesn't feel like "kindhearted" but I try to show this cynical and sadistic part by face expresion. I try make her more slim with triangles and asymmetric to show her less predictable nature, perhaps even a dodger.
The inked version is "finall" one but I want to show first sketches as well. They may be better in some point of view but I thought they may not be exactly what I want to show. For example the sadistic one - as a sketch I really love result but is too much in "my style". I want make them more cartoon so forms will better seen. Next example is the agrresive one. I want him to look big, very big, so I need to put him near the rest, so he stoped looks like dwarf.
And that's all what I want to say about my attempt.
I haven't taken this course, but I'll look for some general drawing stuff that might be useful:
- I think the two outer characters might be off balance. It might help to add a line that indicates what is vertical in the space your character is standing, so that you can tell if it's leaning too much one way or the other. you could also do an intuitive check and ask yourself "does it look like my character would fall? Which way? How would the character have to change pose in order to avoid this?".
- It might help to indicate the ground plane. The feet of the middle character, appears to be on two different planes.
- It would be cool if the loose parts such as drapery and hair, even more conformed to gravity. You might want to push it even. The middle characters skirt feels a bit like it's floating.
So I guess the common theme is weight. Try to get a strong sense of weight in your next set of drawings.
Hope this helps :)
Adam Chabros
Asked for help
My master study assignment. As a self-taught person I never took part in any courses, so I have no idea if I done this correct. I did it as I thought it would be fine and I'm ready to redraw it if it's necessarily.