William Lambooy
I’m here trying to get better so that when I get better I can get better.
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Ron Kempke
added comment inCartooning - Draftsmen S3E13
It's pricey now, but a helpful out-of-print book for learning solid drawing is "Draw the Looney Tunes" by Dan Romanelli.
William Lambooy
My mom finally found this for me on thrift books for my birthday this year!
William Lambooy
Asked for help
Reilly Figure Drawing part 1
Didn’t catch the arms being way too long until I was finished. I thought Erik’s drawing thinned Yoni’s Bulk down too much so I wanted to go the other direction and Bridgmanize it. I think the legs and chest barrel were successful but the arms belong on an orangutan. This exercise also showed a big weakness in specific muscle structure and form (pssst… it’s the arms…)
Critiques welcome. What else is off and how do I correct it?
William Lambooy
A master study of Norman Rockwell’s Saturday Evening Post Aug 1928 “Hot Pursuit”
William Lambooy
Very happy this course was made. Planning on watching, then drawing along with each lesson and then venturing off to use the Reilly method from reference with no instruction.
Asked for help
Mannequins. I feel good, but please point to the bad and the ugly.
Asked for help
This is tougher than it looks! Not sure if I need to be more loose or more precise, but I don’t think I’m there yet.
Hi @William Lambooy, I think you're on the right track! Great gesture and solid structure!
I'll do my best to help you further:
- The first thing that occured to me was that you often make the distance between the boxes too long. One thing that helped me was to indicate a connection between them, as seen in the lesson video at 04:57 https://www.proko.com/course-lesson/how-to-draw-structure-in-the-body-robo-bean/notes
To get a feel for the distance you can try drawing a couple of robo beans from imagination with the conncetion included
- I would recommend drawing through the forms, as if the boxes were made out of glass. Each corner of the ribcage box has a corresponding corner on the pelvis box. If you draw through, you'll be able to connect the corners with accuracy. See attached image for clarification.
I hope this was helpful :)
This looks like a game level. You fly down in to the misty canyon with the horrifying horse heads and at the bottom is a scary, low visibility level.
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Hi everybody! My submission for this challenge, a chance meeting of two creatures! :) I don't know what to call them yet but I'll go with Birdhopper and Airhorse for now. :D
This is fantastic! I imagine the bird hopper flying a little clumsy, like a bumble bee or a gronckle dragon.
My first two submissions were created using my daughter and my wife’s favorite reference pics. This one is from my favorites. Because, well, I’m in this to make me laugh. I hope everyone participating enjoyed this as much as I did. Cheers and good luck.