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added comment inMannequinization – Structure of the Human Body
hello everyone! here are some of my mannequinization drawings. i know i added a lot of contour lines, but i just got so excited to see things come together! let me know what you think :^D
Asked for help
Hi everyone, here's a sample of my 2 minute gestures. Loved doing these, but I'd really like some feedback on how to improve! Thanks :)
Hey there!
I really like how you're using simple, smooth-looking lines for your gestures! They look very clean and easy to read.
I can see that you're drawing some of the contours of the body though, which seems to be adding a little bit of stiffness with the pose and awkwardness with the proportions. For gesture drawings specifically, I'd recommend shortening the time from two minutes to about a minute to start off with. This forces you to focus on the movement and gesture of the pose rather than the contours. I try to make the my gestures 30 seconds for the reason, since I know myself to get super bogged down in details if I give myself any longer than that.
I also notice that you sometimes push the pose and that's great!! More of that too, please!
Great job so far, keep up the great work!
Asked for help
Hello all - I started this course a little over a week ago and love doing these gesture assignments! I think based on my attempts that my knowledge of anatomy has clear gaps in it and I have a tendancy to try and follow the contour rather than the gesture. I also have a weird problem where I usually start with the head but then draw everything else much bigger and have the scale up the head at the end - this isn't a huge issue but means some drawings end up overlapping. I would really appreciate some feedback on how to improve. Mix of 30 sec & 2 min poses. Cheers!
I think you're headed in a great direction, actually! Judging by your drawings and your post, you're already very self-aware of what needs improving. The mileage alone should help in the long run!
I'm no master myself, but here is some advice I can think of:
- If drawing the head first messes with your scale, try drawing the head last! I usually draw a line for the shoulders or the line of action first so I can orient myself on the paper
- You already mentioned your tendency to draw contours as opposed to gesture, so what if you weren't allowed to draw any contours at all? Maybe you could keep doing 30 second gesture drawings to really practice getting the overall flow of a pose down first. Once I did that for a while, I found I was able to sketch much more fluidly in the long run! Highly recommend
- Anatomy can be really hard if you're bogging yourself down in the details. The shapes and landmarks lessons in this course really helps with that, I think. If you're still on gesture though, I wouldn't worry much about anatomy right now. Anatomy without gesture is very stiff, so it's important to sharpen your gesture skillset when you can
- A little random, but I use colored pencil for my gesture sketches! They make things colorful and more interesting for me to look at. They also prevent erasing so I can think critically about where I messed up. Just a little fun tidbit
I hope this helps some! Best of luck with your journey!