Todd Archinal
NE Ohio
Just started drawing in January, taught myself 3d art blender last year after being diagnosed with cancer. got to a place in 3d that I needed 2 expand
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added comment inHow to Draw Gesture – Step by Step
Asked for help
I did some 30sec and 2min poses and would love some feedback on what i can improve on... most of the straight on poses where difficult for me... Any tips or advice is appreciated. Thanks <3
Todd Archinal
on your 30sec's, i would try to incorporate some more S curves. ie @2's back
1. watched it today on my phone while in gym. had to use youtube app instead of on the site due to header pushing video down the screen too far (landscape mode)
2. I was able to hear Stan with no problem but the question reader' volume was about 50% of Stan's. Stan did repeat back some of the questions which was good but until the volume problem is fixed Stan needs to repeat all questions.
3. I am sure you have your reasons for doing the questions on your site as comments instead of using YouTube's chat system but I would take a good look at how David Finch does his Monday night draws. he has merideth as the main moderator and question screener. these streams have a very good feel of community which I know you are looking for with v2.0. there are actually plenty of side chats going on in there. in fact that was how I found out about you figure drawing course that I purchased. I had posted a question to Dave of his opinion on what courses I should look into. Meredith didn't pick/see my question but quite a few fellow chatters did and recommended you.
4 Speaking of Dave, take a look at his screen setup, it has a twitch feel to it with camera on him up in corner, chat below, and main camera taking up most of screen. he is able to switch that area to either his desk or to his computer. I'm sure Dave and merideth would answer any questions
sorry so long but just had to get this off my chest
BTW, love the figure drawing course, well worth the money...cant wait till I'm good enough to move onto the anatomy course
Todd Archinal
Stan I could hear you just fine throught this stream but couldn't hear the other guy hardly at like his volume was 50% of yours