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Activity Feed
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pear simplifying ,the first try was really struggling.
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I start with a dynamic simple shape to represent the movement, but later on I end up with stiff drawing when I try to add some 3D structure. How can I fix the problem?
Brent Eviston
I don;t think these are as stiff as you fear. When we move past gesture and begin to solidify the pose some loss of dynamism is expected. If you feel these are too stiff you can always look for ways to bring more dynamic back in once you've added some structure. But I think these are working well.
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ribcage+pelvis practice (with charcaol pencil) I'm not quite sure about the tilt and relation between ribcage and pelvis on the 2nd pose in practice reel 2.
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ribcage practi (I don't have egg right now,so I find the ribcage 3D model as the reference )
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straight line practice with mechanical pencil Sometimes I find me struggling with the big proportions 😅
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light and shadow practice with charcoal
Brent Eviston
These look great! Thank you for submitting. Let me know if you have any specific questions.
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head practice (I get some reference for myself on Pintrest )
Jay Nightshade
These look great!
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Hand practice 1 with charcoal pencil
Brent Eviston
The proportions and shapes here are working very well.
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The arm:practice 3 with charcoal pencil
Brent Eviston
Nice work! Let me know if you have any specific questions.
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L5. Center line practice medium charcoal pencil
Brent Eviston
Very nice! Thanks for submitting.
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