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Graffiti Establishment
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Measuring Proportions Exercises.
Graffiti Establishment
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Line MASTER Studies exercises.
1st ref: The last of us part II concept art
2nd and 3rd ref: Oleg Yurkov
Graffiti Establishment
Last time I posted was 5 months ago, I got really discouraged from posting my progress. But when I reached the measuring proportions lesson, it just broke me. So, I stopped drawing altogether for almost 2 months.
The guilt I felt in that period from giving up really soured almost everything I enjoyed. So here I am back at it again. Going to post my progress regularly here. ANY critique, notes, comments or chats are welcome.
P.S. Notice the dates on the drawings are accurate to the time I drew them, not the date of posting.
CSI Lines Exercise after Demo.
Graffiti Establishment
Asked for help
Forgot to write in the post :I . This my first time ever trying to draw something this complex (for me). I was very anxious and discouraged almost through the whole project, but the end result was that bad. I would highly appreciate any critique whatsoever ;D .