Jack F
Jack F
Activity Feed
Jack F
Thirty... one minutes? Well, that is if you don't consider the thumbnail sketches I did the previous day cause the way I wanted to do the sketch was... not easy to do on a whim. Even then, some of the last second effects took it over the time limit. I thought I could do better, faster, but that was kinda over-ambitious and this is how far I could go.
loes roos
I agree. But your thumbnails are warm-ups for your idea. I also checked out the models with quick gestures to get a better feel for them and as warm up.
Jack F
FYI, I missed the part where I needed to capture 'holiday spirit'(culture gap, ig). Usually my go to sketching instrument is ballpoint pen, since I'm more of a messy doodler(A lot messier than this drawing), I tried .5 HB mechanical, which is another tool I use more often than actual pencils. And I'm not fast enough so when the 30 minute timer ran out, the discount superman was left wondering why his left arm was so small(that's the mistake I did notice. as for the rest, I'm not good enough to notice enough of them right away). Anyway, I'll try another with proper holiday spirit again later. maybe with my trusty ballpoint this time.
Jack F
Week 3 Hands and feet. hands are okay-ish, but feet... sigh.
Jack F
Week 2
Jack F
Pencil and paper. I only got to know about the challenge two days ago. 1: Week 1, 1/5 minute.
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