Eileen Cardel
Eileen Cardel
My dream is to draw handsome guys and to be a professional animator and artist...nice to meet you all :3
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Eileen Cardel
Asked for help
English Helloo!! I hope all are doing well, I have an issue that I wan't to talk about. I'm studying Animation, I'm practicing Anatomy and another stuff, but in traditional. I'm worried because I think that I'm not paying attention to the digital part, like doing ilustrations or animations. The reason is because first I have to draw well to do other techniques, If I'm wrong let me know, please.  So the point is, Can anyone tell me how can I study this techniques?, or What is your process to study if you are practicing more techniques? I will absolutely aprecciate your help. Sorry for my bad English :'( Spanish ¡¡¡Hola!!! Espero que a todos les vaya bien, tengo un tema del que quiero hablar. Estoy estudiando Animación, estoy practicando Anatomía y otras cosas, pero en tradicional. Estoy preocupada porque creo que no estoy prestando atención a la parte digital, como hacer ilustraciones o animaciones. La razón es porque primero tengo que dibujar bien para hacer otras técnicas, si me equivoco díganmelo, por favor.  Así que el punto es, ¿alguien puede decirme cómo puedo estudiar estas técnicas?, o ¿Cuál es su proceso para estudiar si usted está practicando más técnicas? Apreciaré absolutamente su ayuda. Perdón por mi mal inglés :'V
Hi! I started watching proko's tutorials on heads about 2 months ago and I'm still stuck on one part which is drawing the heads on extreme angles. I have wasted 2 sketchbooks trying to draw the extreme angles but still no progress :( I would really appreciate some help. thank you! :D I'm sorry if my English is bad it's not my native language :c
Eileen Cardel
Hello, I hope you are doing well!!, what I do is to search photos of persons in pinterest that have extreme angles or are challenging to draw and try to apply the Loomies Method like in the tutorials. By doing that you will have a better understanding of how to do extreme angles, I think. I hope this helps you :3. Take care!! :3
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