Sol Art!
Doing the entire Proko anatomy course in a month. Click the link to watch me attempt this!!
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added comment inI'm going to try and complete Proko anatomy in 30 days.
Wow, you did it!!!
@Sol Art!, I’m only catching up now and I’m stunned. At first, I would‘ve thought your challenge was just crazy hardcore - amidst a car crash, COVID and hospitalization, I would have said it was impossible. But my skepticism and arrogance have been proved wrong, and, above everything, I’m happy to know that you have survived all this and (hopefully) are doing fine now!
I’m glad to know that, during the difficult parts where your health demanded attention, you were able to soften your discipline and take things a bit more gently on yourself. I guess having this kind of flexibility is part of what allowed you to go through the entire challenge. More than just anatomy, this endeavor must have taught you a lot about perseverance and resilience.
It’s also cool to see the boost on your YouTube channel as a side gain! Although, of course, the learning and the practice mileage you got must have been your most valuable rewards in this adventure.
Overall, congratulations on this accomplishment! I’m sure you must be motivated to do a lot more stuff - hopefully, your next projects will come with more sustainability and smoother hurdles! 🙂
Sol Art!
Thank you so much, man!! I really appreciate it :) Yes I feel like future projects will be on easy mode so long as there aren't any crazy major life events happening haha! It was super fun to make my videos and learn with Proko's lessons, overall I'm just excited to make more art!
Day 30 Recap video: -- Thanks so much for following along !! :D
Day 30: THE END. Lower leg muscle, calf, and FEETS assignments! Sorry they are slightly scuffed. Video up very soon!!
DAY 29: Quads + Hams!!! Don’t worry, more to come! Almost done!
Inner leg + Butt assignments!
24: Leg bones! Sorry the invention half of these is legit so bad. But I have to move on due to challenge constraints! But I will definitely return to them!
DAY 23: Hands part 1 - part 2 soon!
DAY 22: Lower arm muscles! Woweeee content! I’m going to hold off on a video today because the lungs are still sorta shot, but I’m trying to keep up with all my assignments!