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added comment inLoomis Method Birds Eye View – Real-Time Demo
I was curious if someone knows if the size of the elipse on the side of the head stays the same when tilting the head, but it just slides up or down? Not sure if it changes size at all. Thanks so much!!!

If I'm understanding your question correctly, then no. The ellipse will stay the same size relative to the cranial mass (circle). Also the ellipse isn't just sliding, it also rotates with the head. If you're having trouble picturing it, stand in front of a mirror and tilt your head to the side, keeping in mind where that ellipse sits on your face. I'll be curious to know it this helps or not; maybe not since this question is a month old. Either way, good luck!
Johan Kurniawan
I'm having trouble figuring out on how to draw Oval in perspective, a Circle in perspective is an ellipse and I understand the rule but an Oval in perspective? how do you draw them accurately?
I had this problem too, so I spent a couple days working exclusively on "turning through space" exercises. The goal is to be able to draw the clock face at any angle, made a big improvement on my ovals, before I could only do them at one angle at all. This is just one quick example I pulled up, but try practicing rings and stuff too, VERY helpful. Depending on what medium you use, you can set this up in many ways. I use Krita and I don't think it has a shortcut to make oval tool do perfect circles, to MI turned on grid mode on canvas when I made the circles layer. It's basically just a guide that really helps me work out the shape without having to think if it's in the right place. Then just practice away. Maybe after try without the guide on
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Assignment #3, I really struggled on this one, some images came out dramatically better or worse than others. I tried to focus on imitation over stylization the best I could. I don't feel as comfortable tackling the task of imitation, so I think I should.
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Assignment #2, definitely the easiest in my opinion. I think the difficulty is affecting my line quality.
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So I'm posting kind of weird because of the limit. I actually finished these assignments a week ago and just failed to post. So I added the skeleton to the images after I was done, to show exactly how close I didn't get. As you can see with the first image I attempted it once, came back later and tried it again after watching the perfect practice video, and then finally did a trace to test against the other attempts. I saw dramatic improvements in the second attempt on most of the images, but a couple of them were a big struggle. I'm still working on developing an acceptable line quality, but I clearly have a lot of work to do
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I would consider myself very much a beginner with anatomy and whatnot, here's a little about each one:
1) I focused on trying to get everything perfectly in place, I struggled a bit too much on trying to figure out what size/opacity/brush to use for everything and I was actually pretty unhappy with the line quality in this one
2) I wanted to do this one with improved line quality, but it just came out rigid and the anatomy is really funky in some spots (the alignment of the neck, the different sections of the pecs. I wasn't sure if we were supposed to use the answer sheet for this, but since I had already finished the video by the time I had seen the "no more videos before you try these" comment, I figured I would use the answer sheet as well.
3) So from here on out I first tried on my own without any cheats, and I was so convinced that I had done a horrible job on the draft with this one (it's certainly gotta be the most difficult one for a lot of us) that I didn't save the draft, which is a shame because I was actually pretty close on this one. I changed up the pace with my linework in this one and I think I found a sweet spot, so I stuck with it. I also started to get lazier with my fiber lines because I'm confident in my understanding in that regard and I was trying to work efficiently. I'm aware the breasts are kinda sus, sorry I don't have or look at female breasts so I'm playing catch-up with the rest of the world.
4/5) For these two I kept my guesswork, and it was close enough that I was just tweaking it to fit the final result, so I didn't save it separately. I'm sure it would have been better if I had, but this assignment is more of a course "warm up" so I wasn't taking it so seriously. Also for these last two I really found a steady pace and I'm sure I completed both of them faster than I completed either the first or the second assignment so I'm pretty happy with the progress.
If you see anything I didn't cover or you disagree with something here please lmk I think it would be helpful to see other perspectives
They are really good! I would only suggest to try bring out the 3d form a little more with the line work. But I don't think it's too important for this assignment.