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Shelly England
added comment inPainting With Color Part Four
Asked for help
It’s not what I’d hoped for, but I’ve reached to point of diminishing returns….fixing one thing only to mess up something else. His poor ear. Time to move on and try again.
put the photo reference next to your painting and use rapid eye movement back and forth to see where you are off.
Shelly England
Asked for help
Took your advice. Slowed down. flicked eyes back and forth. Flicked between photos of drawing and reference (most helpful). It’s better than 10 days ago. But I’m certainly not overjoyed yet. Somewhere in the videos you tactfully said a version of “find your own stinkin’ errors” 🙂 And I needed to be reminded of that. I think our default is to ask for help first rather than as a last resort. Great reminder. Thanks for that.
Shelly England
Asked for help
I get the point of the exercise, I’m just not sure I pulled it off with a pencil. And what’s up with the iPhone camera after this latest update? It forces warmer or cooler colors than are actual. 🤨 ugh. I’ll try another
You have a average , in the ballpark ,placement going on here but you are starting to loose the smaller shapes in accuracy. The name of the game when learning this is "accuracy". Start with one of the eyes and using the average shadow and average light, try to get more specific on each little shape you observe.
Shelly England
Asked for help
I like your teaching style. Learning a lot: like keep the lights and shadow colors separate (opposite of what I thought was expected/getting them close) And don’t use a light color as a shadow side highlight. I’m sure I’ll pick up more by going back through the course when I’m less eager to get brush to canvas. Patience is not my strong suit.
compare more. rapidly looking at the reference and your painting, at this stage. Look if you can spot anything where your drawing is off and keep that in mind at you now put in the average light. Use the average light like an eraser to make your drawing more accurate. This is not a race. take your time.
Shelly England
I was going for tight on the B&W but might be a little too tight between shadow and light
Shelly England
Asked for help
thanks for teaching and not just demo'ing. This is great info with nice examples.
Shelly England
Asked for help
A quick first attempt. I’ll do this again! The ear was really hard and eye wasn’t easy. Fun though
Shelly England
Asked for help
Well this is surprisingly fun! I started with a center line. I tried measuring but that seemed awfully tedious and probably not terribly helpful in progressing. The thing that seemed most helpful was tracing the printed side with my left finger while I drew the right side with charcoal (nitram). I’m right handed, so leftys would need to reverse that. Thanks for the extra exercises!
you are almost there. try squinting at the photo especially in the area of the eyes and see the dark shapes that mass together. fill those in so you can see where you are deviating from the photo. your drawing should have those filled in so you can really judge if your little shapes are correctly placed and correct size. right now they are not. His right eye is too big and a little too high. But fill in the shadow shapes to see it and then use rapid eye movement back and forth between the photo and your drawing. THE KEY TO GETTING BETTER IS SEEING YOUR MISTAKES. the best thing I can do for you is to help you see them with different little tricks to help you have a fresh eye.