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added comment inAssignment - Developing Characters
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Howdy, nice to see all these ideas solidifying. I hope this slides in before the deadline.
I really struggled with this one, maybe I was over thinking it. I feel like what I did wasn't enough and that somewhere in my head is a better design... Does this frustration pop up often when designing characters? So, how could I edit these down to get a stronger "message" that unifies the designs more, if that's the right question to ask? I was trying a "cursed county fair" angle with these.
Thank-you, thank-you Scott. I greatly appreciate your expertise and commendation. I'll have to take notes on your insights about contrast beyond the visuals, among other things. Eagerly looking forward to progressing with this course!
Luke Ng
Asked for help
After some critiques from the community here are some more pelvis drawings from imagination
Excellent. You're getting more consistent with the proportions and they're feeling more solid. I've found some flows/abstractions that may help you gain even more consistency (See the attachment, since it's hard to describe in text). Next, it looks like there's some trouble finding the centerline of the bucket. I like to use the back third guide line (since it's closer to the edge of the ellipse and it's shorter) to compare with the axis of rotation; I'm thinking of how you find the center of a box in perspective when I look for the centerline. I'm also looking at the angles that form in the center to judge the centerline compared to the side-to-side line. The last thing is to avoid popping the top of the sacrum away from the iliac crest like you've done in the 3rd image, since they flow together so nicely. OK, sorry for all the text. Feel free to ask questions.
Luke Ng
Asked for help
Pelvis drawings from imagination. I'm struggling with the structure of the pelvis in these positions. Feedback and advice would be very appreciated
The biggest issue I see is that your ellipses don't always have the correct angle of rotation, and when the axis is off - your ellipses become ovals which is why they look squashed or out of perspective sometimes: Drawing the axis of rotation first then matching the ellipses to it may help you achieve the correct orientation. The other thing is that you need to make sure that the center of the sacrum is lined up with the center of the "bucket": having the back of the sacrum touch the back of the bucket form should help with that. Hopefully, my sketchy drawings aren't too hard to understand. If you have questions I'll try and get around to answering them.