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added comment inDrawing ‘Nicolai’
Asked for help
Did a portrait exercise... I would love to get critical feedback from someone more experienced on what I need to improve. My drawing feels "off" somehow, but I'm having trouble seeing where the issue is - is it the accuracy of the block in? (I am trying to measure carefully maybe not doing as accurate a job as I need to be) Is it the value? Or the shape design? I'd love some feedback on what to focus on improving. Thank!
Adan Rodriguez
Try this again but only the basic construction of the ball and the lines. And then post it! Let’s see it! ❤️

Lynn Hann
Hi Thanks for the reply. I did the Portrait drawing fundamentals which helped me with proportions, but your proportions are ok you just need help with the eye. The course I mentioned also looks at drawing eyes, noses and ears. Have a great day.

Lynn Hann
Sometimes it can be very tiny things that add up to throwing the drawing off a bit. Her neck needs to be darker in the shadows and her cheekbone isn't shadowed. Overall you have her proportions right her eyes may need adjusting of the pupil. You have done a good job. I that a photo on my mobile then look at it side by side with the original, I find a photo can really help.. Good luck.
Hi @qcy, nice drawing!
I think there are a few issues combined that gives you the feeling of it being off:
One is the placement and proportion. You came really close with the nose and lips, but the eyes are a little misplaced and misshaped. The left eye hangs a little low for example, making the head loose some structure. A good way to make sure that the structure is working before having drawn any details, is to start with a Loomis head How to Draw the Head from Any Angle.
You did a pretty nice job grouping the darks, but you have some dark contour lines in the lights that break the illisuion of light. In the ear for example, you have dark lines showing it's shape, but in the photo, there are no dark lines. The edge of the ear, is the edge of a light shape.
You could also soften some of the edges along the terminator (the line where a form moves into shadow), to signal the softness of the form.
I would highly recommend taking the Drawing Basics course! It's still in the making, so if you keep up with the assignments, I think there's a chance that you'll get feedback from Stan himself. Your drawing reminded me so much of the second project in the course (Project - Simplify from Observation). I think taking it will answer many of your questions!
Hope this helps :) Keep up the good work💪😎
More beans. Really having trouble with the relative placement of the two ovals.. is the pelvis oval suppose to follow the contour of the buttocks?
Generally I think the answer is yes, that is how I did mine. But sometimes Stan is pushing the positions to help exaggerate a bend, lean, or a twist
Asked for help
Would love feedback on how accurate these are compared to the photo they were based on!