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Hi guys! Here's my try at 30 second poses. Would appreciate any thoughts.
Jesper Axelsson
Hi @pigmalion, great job! You're definitely on the right track! I'll try to look for things to help you further: - Whenever I have the chance I like to connect things. In your last image, the 2nd drawing in the top row, you could have connected the gesture line for the torso and support leg into a single s-curve. It's not like you must do this, but I like to remain simple. One hazard of splitting things up is that you might lose the big picture in a complex drawing. A fun exercise in trying to remain simple is to do quicksketches using only 5 (or fewer) lines (CSI) + head. Feel free to try it. - I like to share these practice tips with people taking the Figure Drawing Course. Hopefully they can be of some help to you too: "-SOME PRACTICE TIPS: How you practice is as important, or even more important than what you practice. Here are some things that helped me improve faster: STAN´S EXAMPLES For me it was invaluable to look at Stan´s example drawings, following this routine 1. Try to draw the pose myself before looking at Stan´s example 2. Follow along with Stan and copy his way of drawing 3. Try to draw like Stan did, without looking at his example I did this over and over, varying up with other poses I found on the internet, trying to bring with me the habits I learned from Stan. DELIBERATE PRACTICE Another thing that was important for me was to be on the look out for things to improve. Improving was simply a long chain of - Doing a mistake - Finding the mistake - Trying to not make the same mistake in the next drawing " I hope this was helpful :) Keep up the good work!
Asked for help
Hi everyone! :D This is my first time submitting an assignment. I have done the lesson itself before though, but then life got in the way and time flew away. With the new Proko 2:0 and all this great community it seemed like a great time to start this again and do it more properly. :) The smaller more stick figury gestures I drew while I watched a ballet video on youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zE5LDPx3XUg That was relaxing and enjoyable and I just paused at interesting poses, and drew those gestures. The people in the video are rather small and I think that helped me to not focus to much on all the detail of the bodies. The refrence pictures for the longer gesture drawing, are from Adorkastock: https://www.deviantart.com/adorkastock A couple of the refrence photos are of more than one person and they were more challenging to do. Does it matter if there are more then one prerson in the photo then doing gesture drawings though? I’ve watched Proko's video on how to hold and control your pencil. So I try to use my shoulder and the over hand grip, but since I’m still not used to it, the lines don’t always appear there I want them to yet. Sometimes I also got a bit nervous knowing that I was going to submit this for other people to see and that unfortunately made my arm tense then I was drawing to. Maybe I just need to continue practice and it will work itself out on it own! :D I think I might have become overwhelmed with everything to keep in mind (the story of the pose, drawing with the shoulders, ghosting the lines and then finding the actual gesture!) and ended up defaulting to drawing the contours sometimes. Even if I at times got stuck in my own head, I still had a lot of fun! I really want to learn and get better, so any feedback or critique would be very much appreciated! :D
Such a cool idea with balet poses! I will do the same with tennis matches. Thank you for the inspiration!!! About drawing from shoulder / warmups before gestures - I would recommend familiarising yourself with https://drawabox.com/lesson/1/2/video I got a lot of out drawabox early lessons and I gladly incorporate some of the exercises in my warmups. Even a page full of circles / straight lines / ribbons before I get down to gesture helps to get loose :)
Jonathan Haskins
Hi everyone. Sorry for poor quality photos. So these are my gesture drawing. I timed myself 1 min each but spent around 15 seconds just looking at the reference picture. Any tips would be helpful as I don't know how to improve by myself.
For now I would say the best advice is: just make more of them! :) Take 15 minutes everyday and compare the ones you did at the beginning of the week with the ones at the end. Maybe post them here so we could have a look at a larger number of examples? Good luck!
Asked for help
Hello! Here are some gesture drawings that I have done recently. I would like to get some feedback, as i'm not really sure how i'm doing.
Hi Ingrid! Nice sketches :) I would definately say that I can see you're getting better with each page! :) Two minutes sketches are really good, I would practice more on 30 second ones, especially I would focus more on line quality. Maybe try to do them with as few strokes as possible? And be confident with them, because right now they are a bit wobbly and they should be more fluid, so the gesture would read easily. Good luck there!
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