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Tips on where to go on from here as a beginner.Hello! Since the Drawing Fundamentals course is still ongoing, I'm curious about where one can dip their artistic toes in between new lesson releases. I'm particularly interested in the figure drawing, anatomy, and portrait drawing courses. Ultimately, I plan to complete all of them.
Would it be optimal to wait and complete the entire Drawing Fundamentals course first, or would it be okay to explore other courses in the meantime? If so, what would be the most logical order to go through them? I'm concerned that I might easily become overwhelmed as a beginner.
Welcome @oneward! Procreate has tons of great brushes that come with the software, so start with getting comfortable with the default set of tools while you check out what others are using. The best way to start getting comfortable with digital painting is using the generic painting round brush. This can feel clunky and limiting at first, but it's one of the most versatile tools in the set and you'll be amazed at what people can create just by varying the size or opacity. Once you're comfortable with how the default tools work, start to dig into the preferences of each brush, and learn how to make adjustments to achieve what you're looking for. A few favorites that come with Procreate are the Procreate Pencil for sketching, and the Syrup Brush for inking. If you're looking for other brushes not included in Procreate, I highly recommend both of Lane Brown's Procreate Master Packs available in the tools section, they're some of the best out there! Good luck, can't wait to see what you're working on!
Wow, this is incredibly insightful. Thank you SO much Patrick! I will definitely try to simplify and stick to default brushes for now as you recommended. Lane Brown's Procreate Master Pack has officially been added to my wishlist now as well haha.
Hi! I just wanted to ask what comprehensive Procreate brush set should I try to have to follow this course as closely as possible for a total beginner.
Procreate does provide default pencils like the HB and 6B pencils, as well as other sketching pencils with names I don't recognize like Peppermint and Derwent haha.
I would love to hear recommendations from you guys, and TIA!