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i used gray acrylic to smooth out the surface of this canvas pad - that's what I had in the 12x16 size. I got some thin willow charcoal. I feel like making the grid is indeed tedious and I feel like I'm not totally on point but it worked out or close enough. Even with the grid getting the mouth correct was difficult (it's still not great but acceptable) so I did some Xs in the mouth boxes and that helped. I put in a good amount of time and then when I felt done I just went nuts with doing the BG too but I don't think it's going to hurt the process. I used hairspray as fixative.
Asked for help
I didn't take a picture of the lights and darks I mixed. I think this is one of the stronger portraits I've done and its so much more simple than other attempts. 3 lights, 2 darks, black and white, 2 colors. Drew it in to my ability, edges softened a bit just in pushing things back and forth but I resisted until that was the main thing to be done. Then I really focused on the egg principle after the edges. As a sketch done in one sitting its exciting. I could go further with the color I only used the initial mixes, beside the coat. Some reds would bring more life but I'm just gonna leave this as lesson to remember. This is a huge step in the right direction for me.
‘Draw Antonio, draw Antonio, draw and don’t waste time’
Yuli Levy
Asked for help
Step two, I'm using old oil paints and I've been having headaches (I think because of the linseed oil) do you think it's because it's old or does it happen to everyone? :)
Headaches from the linseed oil is exceedingly unlikely. Are you allergic to most furniture? Headaches are going to be induced from the fumes of solvents - especially turpentine or white spirits, I really hope you aren't using acetone lol - but it wouldn't surprise me to find some people are even sensitive to gamsol and other 'odorless' solvents.
Straight edge was used on the goblet. I ended up using a 90* triangle on the face so I could try to get some perpendicular help going. At least one of these lines based off the center I screwed up on and of course that was for the eyes so I ended up "fixing" them a couple times more times than I'd like to admit; before I caught that. Wolfs carbon on printer paper wasn't much fun either but I'm mitigating that by just not going full dark. Ie I'm too lazy I guess. Great exercises though. Practicing eyeing and measuring angles is never bad.
Ron Kempke
Fold your vase in half along its centerline and hold it up to light to see where you're off. Maybe turning the drawing upside down will reveal the discrepancies to you too.
Morgan Weistling
you got it.
Starting at 8:35 there's some strange audio stuff happening.
Moses Lee
haunted 2nd audio track
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