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added comment inProject - Cross Contour on Ginger Root People
Asked for help
Hey guys, I've been watching this tutorial with the subtitles on as I take notes sometimes. In this tutorial the text is talking about colour temperature not sure if that has happened to anyone else. I love what you guys do so much! just thought you might want to know as you put so much time and effort into your tutorials. Everyone's ginger root people look amazing by the way!!!
You guys are so brave putting your work up! You are inspiring me to try to be brave too. Feeling way out of my comfort zone here
Oh that is so nice. Texture looks really good to my eye. I can very nearly tell how this pear would feel like in my hand if I could touch it, and I can almost smell it too 😄. A picture giving out sensations.
Your pear is so delicate 😍 Nice! Stretching past our comfort zone just a bit is the only way to grow. So, kudos on the bravery!