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Marcel Weiland
Pear #1 Hey everyone! I’m brand new to drawing and in my early thirties, but I’m convinced that drawing is a skill that I can learn! I’ve always wanted to be able to go somewhere beautiful and draw a version of it to take home with me. I would appreciate any feedback you have for me! Looking forward to being part of the crew here.
Nice drawing bud, I wrote this whole big feedback thing before, but then I saw it contradicts what Stan goes on to say in the next video, so deleted it, my bad. The outline shape is excellent. I'm new myself, so, probably not the best to give feedback, but oh well. My only real feedback would be that your shadow shape, mostly that bottom curve, creeps a bit too high and a bit too fat. It sort of divides the drawing in two, whereas, at least to my eye, in the reference photo, 75% of the pear or so is light values, yours is a little closer to 50/50. Mind you, I feel I went too far the other way on mine, so what do I know haha. Nice work, looking forward to seeing your other submissions, keep it up.
Austin Johnson
After a bit of work here’s my before and after demo pears! I am an absolute beginner and have no experience drawing until now so all criticism is welcome. Looking forward to the rest of the course!
Your second pear shows a lot more control. Hard to word it, but you can really see that you had a better understanding of what you were doing and why. A few points that stood out to me were: 1) Your shape designed improved, compare the bottom right areas of both pears. pear 2 has some interesting shapes going on, whereas pear one that whole bottom third is sort of a big crescent moon of black. Similarly, the middle left of the pear, top left of the main crescent shadow on the pear, you have managed to sneak in a little lighter value than in pear 1, which helps the subsequent darker value just above it pop out more, giving the illusion of form, shape, and depth. Similar to how adding the background grey on the right hand side makes the lights pop out more. 2) In the main crescent shaped shadow on the bottom of the pear, you have introduced a lighter shadow value which adds to the interest and sense of 'an artist purposefully designed this'. Looks more controlled, more thought out. You can still see a bit of the paper through which makes it look a little scratchy, but nothing a second pass wouldn't sort. 3) Finally, don't skimp out on the cast shadow on the floor. You have such a nicely controlled drawing in terms of shapes and values, so it makes the monotone shape and value of that cast shadow stand out next to it. Honestly, huge improvement and I hope you feel good about it. If my attempt turns out half as good I'll be happy.
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Hey, nice to meet you all. Good luck. First to shade 20 eggs wins.x
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