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added comment inLayers Assignment Critique
Took a small break from the course and came back to a pleasant surprise, thanks for the feedback @Jon Neimeister!
I have a lot to say but I'll try to keep it short. Overall though, this painting felt really good. I see countless visual flaws on top of the series of technical mistakes I made along the way but regardless of that, this is the first time I've ever been able to link up so well with my digital tools and that was a great feeling after close to a year of struggling with it.
Past that, my goal for this painting was to focus mainly on my rendering, I completely ignored everything else, including composition, which makes the focus point of it a bit fuzzy. I also kept it simple and stuck to the round hard and soft brushes, sparsely using the double sided. I struggled mainly with the semi-transparent glove and even more with the rendering of the metal, which was surprising, I assumed that would be the easy/fun part. I ended up simplifying a lot of those details because they were giving me so much trouble. I would appreciate advice on how to properly approach those.
Another issue I had was the amount of time I was enthusiastic to work. Throughout these paintings, I feel like a week of working on it consistently for a couple hours is the most I can give and past that I start trudging through it, dragging my feet. It's not that I don't like painting, it's like the painting itself becomes a bit stale. I'm almost certain that it has to do with the number of mistakes I'm constantly making which makes the painting almost seem like a chore by the end, but I'd love to hear other opinions on this.
In the meanwhile, it seems that we have a bit more time so I'll be starting another one but, I feel like this is a good step up from my initial paintings, I would love to hear everyone's thoughts and critique.
Till next time, have wonderful day!
Asked for help
Took about 3-ish hours if I had to guesstimate. Just following the process became a bit relaxing once I got to rendering. Lots of obvious mistakes now that I put them right next to each other, but I can always start a new one so I'm putting this one down for now. Thinking the figure drawing course might not be a bad idea atm lol.
Looking forward to the next lesson, cheers!
Asked for help
These were pretty fun! Working through multiple courses, so it took longer than expected. Tried to simulate permanence but ctrl z is a crippling addiction. Added some spheres for extra variety!
Hi Matthew!
Go ahead and access the lesson that you're referring to, once there, look below the video, you should see some tabs titled Assignments, Comments, Lesson Notes, and Downloads. You can find any material for the course under Downloads, if it's not there, check assignments as well.
Hope this helps, happy learning!