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Michael Sandbothe
added comment inAI Ethics, Artists, and What You Can Do About It
Karla quoting Michael Brooks is my heart
In reality, light isn’t free. My utility bills keep going up because the utility company has a monopoly and they legally bribe politicians to allow them to keep raising the prices. If you’re wealthy, the cost of electricity might seem virtually free, but for the rest of us, it is not.
This guy is on crack
The fast talking doesn’t make him sound smarter, just more pretentious.
The people with the money want to make money. It sounds like they’re capitalizing on the extremely naive people who are willing to do the work with the fantasy that it’s for idealistic reasons rather than profit.
God, this guy is so naive. Not only would we have to move beyond capitalism for this to ultimately be “good”, moving beyond capitalism is unbelievably difficult. In the US, “democracy” is almost completely controlled by capitalist billionaires that will do anything to prevent this change from happening.
If these companies can’t just do the very minimum and exclude human artists from their Ai, and they can’t be regulated by law to do so, then why does anyone think we can make this utopian system? I think this is a case of someone falsely thinking that because they are smart in one area of expertise, that they are generally smart on all subjects.
To make this kind of technology be good in this utopian sense will actually take political revolution. Normally, that takes massive upheaval in which a lot people die. Violence, mass starvation, etc.
The idea that everything is going to be free or even cheap under capitalism is extremely naive, uninformed, ignorant, whatever you want to call it. We could have replicators like in Star Trek, and things will still be as expensive as possible. The difference between now and then would be that those with permanent (massive) wealth will pay to have conveniences while the poor people who would have previously worked for money will go without basic needs and without aspirational mobility in extreme poverty. Unless we dramatically change the system so that it would no longer be capitalism, we will only be worse off with automation.