Melanie Keck
Melanie Keck
Activity Feed
Melanie Keck
It was almost bedtime yesterday but I still had to do it so I did it today
Kristian Nee
Hey Melanie! Great job on this! I really thought these were really awesome. I've been showing all of these to my friends and family. In terms of a critique, I'd start with simplifying your drawing a bit. Right now there's a decent impression of it being a person, but it doesn't feel like there's much going on in terms of form and structure. A good place to start would be adding some gesture to your drawing, and simplifying your lines. Right now it feel like you're drawing your anatomy as you see it, not as you understand it. At this stage in the drawing, you shouldn't be thinking about anatomy at all. The result is a bunch of independent pieces of the body that give the impression of what they're supposed to be, but don't fit together in the grand scheme of things. You should be thinking about rhythm and how the forms fit together as a whole. For example, if you take the lines you included for the rib cage, peck, and abdomen, you can simplify those into a single line. In the draw overs I've done below I tried to show how your drawing can be simplified into just a few lines. I've also done a side by side example on how I might exaggerate this pose to make it feel more dynamic. I'd recommend checking out @Stan Prokopenko's video Q&A – Gesture vs Contour and Scribbly Lines. In it he explains how gesture is all about simplifying what you're trying to draw into it's most basic form. Hope this helps! and thanks again for doing this drawing!
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