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added comment inHow to Draw Hands – Muscle Anatomy of the Hand
At about 3:55 into the video Stan mentions a diagram about the thumb motion. The diagram can be found in: eBook: The Hands Part 1. of the HANDS section. In case anyone was wondering.
Asked for help
Hi, I'm just starting out learning the fundamentals and i want to make sure i got the basics down before i keep moving on to 2 minute exercise. I'm more than willing to accept any feedback you guys can give. Thank you in advance for your time.
I like what you have. You did a really good job simplifying the gesture of the poses. You should integrate 30 second gestures as well as 2 minute gestures into a daily warmup routine. Don't let what you don't see as major progress stop you from practicing other exercises. Think in terms of a practice routine.
Agreed, I love the lessons, but the light burns my eyes. If the devs never change this, then I am just going to change the css in the browser myself...