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Here's one of my recent Caricature piece, I decided to make it more cartoonie than I usually do
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I recently did a Caricature of the queen of England and wanted to ask for correction and asked for the community thought on this
Hi @lawal2976. I still have a lot to learn about caricature myself, but I'll try my best to help you further:
- She looks a little like an old man in this caricature. I tried doing a caricature myself and the same thing happened to me. I think what caused this for me was that I drew her with boxy strong forms, which is a characteristic of the male head. By rounding out the forms and emphasizing feminin trates, like puffy cheeks, I think I made her look more feminin.
- In one of the lessons I think Court mentioned the importance drawing the persons features, and not generalised features. When I compare your drawing to photos of Elizabeth II, I feel like the shape of the features could have been more hers:
-Her eyes are like wide boxes; flat on top and round on the bottom, with large irises.
-Her nose is teardrop shaped; narrow bridge and large ball.
-Her eyebrows are s-curved
Next time you do a caricature be critical when you draw the features and try to design and exaggerate them as much as you design the overall shape of the head.
- As you continue to learn and explore caricature I would also recommend working on your drawing fundamentals. One thing that limited me when I took the course in 2020 was that I didn't feel comfortable in drawing the head, which obviously made caricaturing it a huge challenge. The more you strengthen you ability to work with gesture, structure, value, shape, edge, anatomy and other imprtant fundamentals, the more tools you'll have to create your caricatures.
If you're looking for courses to strenghten you drawing fundamentals I would strongly recommend starting with these two:
Figure Drawing Fundamentals
The Shading Course – Fundamentals of Realism, Light & Shadow (you could also get this course with a monthly membership on Dorian iten's website )
Hope this helps :) Keep up the good work!
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My latest Caricature piece, I did a dune fan art, I'm opened for corrections, please help me check it out and tell me what you think about it
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Good morning everyone this is odun from Nigeria, I'm a beginner carricaturist and i did a Caricature of Tom cruise and I was wondering if you could give me your thoughts on this piece 🙏🏿 and thank you for your time
hi odun , I am from Nigeria and a beginner caricaturist, I think it would be very helpful if I could talk and share my perspective with somebody with more experience. You can reach me through my E-mail address. .Thanks
Hi @lawal2976. I think you captured his smile. And to be honest, I would not have recognized him as Tom Cruise. To give you a good feedback it would be helpfull to see, which reference you used to do your caricature. Did you use just one reference or more than one? I tried to find a picture of Tom Cruise, that could have been your reference (see the attached picture). Comparing it to your picture I want to highlight 3 points: 1. I think you got the earlopes wrong. They do not stand away from his head. Not in this reference and not in oter ones I have seen. 2. Tom has quite a big nose. In your caricature it is too small. 3. I see his eyebrows beeing straight lines and not curved.
But as said, it would be helpful to see your reference. And Tom Cruise is difficult to draw too...
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Looks great. I like the contrast between the sharpness of his jaw and the softness of his ears.
If Were to have a caricature made for 67, Id want to capture some of her personality traits in the drawing, like her calmness, or confidence. But the it comes to physical characteristics, I feel like you captured the physical features of 67. Great work and keep it up!
Hello bro,
Take care of these things
I think the eyes are not in correct symmetry...
Also there are lots of green only which is kind of dull try to make the character pop by having a light layer or do colour dodge..
Asked for help
I decided to join the squid game fanart drawing,and I wanted to know what the community thoughts of it and if there's any corrections.and also it's a Caricature
This pose was about 20 minutes. I spent most of that time on the head. Loved drawing those big shapes of the hair.
Charcoal pencil on parchment paper.
Asked for help
Good morning, this is odun From Nigeria , and I'm a beginner carricaturist I was wondering if I could ask the group where carricaturist get hired apart from getting private commissions, where we can get job, and I also want to ask what the community thoughts are of this piece