Activity Feed
Improved upon the picture I drew. I made the lines. Thing is he says that the lines will be created from shading. what am I doing wrong because I had to outline the lines of my shades.
1st (original), 2nd (practicing values) Going through the video somehow my drawing is getting worse I think it's because watching the video my proportions are off this time because how a straight line is used, first image I was basically going off imagination and influence of the video and not what I saw. Seeing my mistake now and why.. I did not expand it. . My shading still feels off and am curious if it's the pencils at this point. First attachment is doing everything from memory, second is reference of the pear..
#Before critique: Question and a simple ask... Image one: I had a charcoal pencil laying around and using it for the shading, bottom portion is off because I realized that I drew the top of the first pear-1 and accidentally tapped the arrow key place me on the level-1-pear-2 which I finished the bottom later using the bathroom unlocking to see the whole imaged of pear-2, switching back to 1... It's funny be cause at that moment I realized the downloads included more than one pear. Going back over the videos after drawing I think I did not understand the directions fully and redone the drawing for the second image to simplify. I did simplify this one while drawing the contour, lining the edge shadings during my observation drawing but I did not pronounce the edging and started noticing I am not looking as the photos in the comments. Image two: for this I did only use graphite, I have made the simplified drawing as the directions asked ( i hope... ) , during this process I did notice that the shapes created inside the fruit is rather interesting, it's like they naturally fall into place while glaring at the subject. I see how this is supposed to teach values and making the rounded look. I would like to ask for feedback on this image and ask how to break this down even more before I start the critique video, should I really be thinking of it as little vertical rectangles or a sculpture or did I do this fine by breaking it into triangles, rectangles and squares, this kind feels subjective to me but I am curious. Edit: Added fourth image to show the drawing from a charcoal perspective and see my lines better of what I did in the original.
Okay watched half the demo and gave it another try.
First one is before watching demo, second is after watching demo and taking some peeks at it. Also did the multiple pears drawing critique video. I feel like I can't convey the form of the pears properly and my values are messed up. Would appreciate any criticism..
Amazing work :), can you tell me about the value scale, what grade graphite are you using and how do you judge what to grab? I used HB H H2 B3 and H seems just as dark as B3 sometimes if not careful.
Tried to apply what I learned from the critique videos.
Nice. I have yet to get there yet but going to take a shot at that later after I post mine. This looks amazing.
Strengths: The overall shape and form of the pear is recognizable. There's an attempt to show volume and dimensionality through shading. The stem is included, adding a key identifying feature of the pear. Areas for improvement: Proportion: The pear's body could be more elongated compared to its width for a more typical pear shape. Line quality: Practicing smoother, more confident strokes could enhance the drawing's appearance. Shading: While present, the shading could be more gradual to better show the pear's rounded form. Detail: Adding more subtle contours and texture could increase realism. Shadow: Including a cast shadow would ground the pear and add depth. Suggestions for practice: Study real pears or reference photos to improve accuracy in shape and proportions. Practice basic shading techniques like cross-hatching or smooth gradients. Experiment with different pencil pressures for varied line weights and shading intensities. Try drawing the same subject multiple times to build muscle memory and refine technique. Overall, this is a solid start for a beginner. With continued practice focusing on observation, proportion, and shading techniques, significant improvement can be expected. I would really recommend making sure your focus is more on the object you are seeing and drawing, I think there may be more time here spent looking at the paper than the subject itself your drawing.
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