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jean marc
hi juro. i wanted to point out what reed clumpner said... gesture is not supposed to be pretty. by drawing the contour you missed the whole message and story behind the pose. even with the contour you did the model is still very stiff... very stiff! try really work on your gesture and really understand how to keep the flow in the different lines continue throughout the whole body... you'll always add the contour after you're done capturing the story with gesture. hope it helps you
Reed Clumpner
These are a really good attempt. I believe your biggest problem is that you are focusing to much on the contours of the figures and not on the Gesture its self. The Gesture should flow through the body and depict the action. You may be able to see from simple draw through that the angles of the shoulders and hips were miss placed. When one side of the shoulder lowers than the hips will do the opposite. I have also added a simple gesture by Glenn Vilppu depicting the flow through the body. In the beginning just try to focus on the different angles of the shoulders and hips and try to flow the lines through the body. Also notice the clothing on the subject. The clothes can show what direction the body is pointing. Like with the runner, her left thigh is lifted up and towards the camera. So we we look at the thigh we can see the shorts wrapping around the thigh and almost make cylinder. Remember that the gesture does not have to look pretty, for it is not going to be the final drawing. It is the lay in work to capture the action and emotion of your subject/character for you to come back to it later and add the simple forms as well.
I should start by saying I am a complete novice. I am starting to do some gesture drawing myself...These are all laudable representations but I am not sure they are gestures, rather they are contours. Consider trying to capture the flow rather than the image.
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