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Joseph Rivera
added comment inLoomis Method – Real-Time Demo
Decided to go through the whole portrait drawing class from the beginning again since I was getting rusty. I have had alot of trouble with the Loomis method and here is my second go at it. Hoping I can finally master it! This time I am going all digital as well.
This was my first time working with color pencils, I had alot of fun with this contest!
Joseph Rivera
Asked for help
Actually did a charcoal much like this one before and I wanted to do a different version so I figured it would work great for the challenge. Would love to hear any critiques!
I did a version with color, planning on improving it and making the composition better, maybe more like the first one.
Ok this is my second submission and also my second ink drawing :P. This one is more from imagination and berhaps some improvemed in ink technique. I got so into this ink thing I ordered dip pens and inks lol.
Had trouble with the ears on this one, can't wait to try it again.
Joseph Rivera
Here's mine, I decided not to add the features since I wanted to get the structure right first but I do plan on adding them later on.