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Drawing assignment. Used a 8x10 canvas just because it’s was available. Reasonably happy. Is it ready to fix?
Morgan Weistling
Yes,. But it's harder to paint smaller the way the demo is structured for beginners. But you can do it.
First drawing, using a smaller canvas just because it’s what was available 8x10
Columbo famous explorer
Nickell Francis
Love the drawing
Brendan gleeson
One of mick jagger I did after the course. Don’t know where else to post it. 😉
First attempts at the mirroring assignment. Started with a grid but then switched off and just free handed. Shows on the chin. 🥴 struggle with my attention span.
Morgan Weistling
vase is great. the head is less observed but good attempt
First go at the mirroring assignment. Just drew a simple grid then took measurements from the existing side to the nearest grid line, then eyed in the rest. Got a little lazy near the bottom.
Asked for help
First attempt at the mirroring exercise from oil painting with no brain course. Any feedback welcome. Not sure if I’m posting this in the right spot.
First attempt at the mirroring exercise from the painting with no brain course. Not sure if I’m posting in the right place but any feedback back welcome.
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