Jacey King
I'm just a simple artist trying to make my way in the universe
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Jacey King
added comment inProject - Build a 1-Point Room - Level 2
Asked for help
Went a little bit simple for this one. I have a hard time free-handing straight lines digitally. Ctl+Shift is my crutch.
Jacey King
Asked for help
This is the only one I had on hand to upload, might upload the others later. Enjoyed the assignment and am pretty pleased with this one over all, though I do wish I had slowed down in a few areas to get some of the shapes better.
I love the use of edges and painterly strokes, well done! I did a quick paintover to help explain, but for assignment feedback, it comes mostly down to lessening the intensity of the shadows. When adding detail, it can be easy to get carried away with too much use of shadows for definition, as this can quickly age a person up. Though you show anatomical/structure knowledge, the glow of light as well as the softness of the face (especially with women/kids) will reduce the visibility of some features' details. I also included some quick proportion fixes I hope you find useful.
Asked for help
This one was a real beast, will likely come back and try it again at some point.
I know this post is relatively old, so I don't know if you're still looking for critique or not, but I thought I'd throw my two cents in anyway. I think your rendering is fairly decent, especially on that right (her left) eye. I mean, holy dang. You did a good job on that eye. Beautiful rendering, the shape is there, super lifelike, a fantastic job. The biggest problem I've noticed is that the proportions are out of whack in a lot of spots. For example, the chin is too large and is slightly facing forward instead of being tilted down, and also she has a much more rounded face, whereas you've really cut it in on the right side. If I were to offer any advice it would be to continue to watch proportions, as well as doing more skull studies to make sure you have the anatomy down pat.