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Jean-Rene Losier
added comment inAssignment - Developing Characters
Asked for help
Here is my assignment for the second step of developing characters. I decided to focus on the Bee Hive idea that I had initially as I really liked the square shape of the hive. I developed the idea thinking about how each character could link together in a common theme and decided to go with the idea that the leader is someone who can manipulate bees to do her bidding. What results is "Hive Golems"! We first have Queen B who manipulates the bees who is carried by little bee hive minions. Then we have the Crawler who moves around on his hands. Then we have the Guardian which is the muscle and finally, the Tower who is simply a huge tree that also carries with it, a bunch of beehives from it's branches/hair.
Will David
Here’s my first page. I took Scott’s advice and decided I’ll spend a page of explorations on each of my chosen characters for my lineup. I will then take a variation from each new page and refine it. These are variations for an electricity Harvestman.
Jean-Rene Losier
Asked for help
Alright, 4 pages done of exploration. I'm going to have a hard time picking from these. SO MANY THAT I LIKE!
Jean-Rene Losier
That tip about using the entire page and how the constraints of space end up motivating different designs is gold!
Andrea Rubbini
Asked for help
I have added new guys to a Patrol Field crew. Guess it's time now to kill some darling and decide which one should go on with more studies. If I have to choose only one, I think I would go on with the scorpio grape, seems like something that could bring nice shapes to the table.
Andre Camargo
Hey Scott, I had a blast working through the idea creation. I would like to upload my sheet, which is too big for my scanner (DIN A4 max).
Can you recommend a preferred way for getting a good digital image/print/scan from paper?
Here's the first page of my Crow-man ideas, I'm completely stuck after this page I can't seem to think of other possibilities, I know Scott said to aim for 4 pages but not sure what else I can incorporate into this Crow-man? Anyway thanks for reading I'll try and think hard what else I can change or add.
Sonja Müller
A general idea: Would it be possible that we are not limtited to the A3 format? I think Samuel ran into the same problem I did. Including all my process thoughts alone would have filled the page half. And because it makes total sense that we should try many drawn variations I think I would need more space/turn in more pages.
Maybe it is just me, but I am so used to big canvas sizes in digital drawing I was really struggeling to fit more on the A3 format.
And/or give a base number of shapes we should at least try if we should stay in really basic forms without details?
I think i am overthinking this :D
Jean-Rene Losier
Here's my first little batch of explorations. Got some things I like but still want to explore some more themes/ideas that I stumbled upon.