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Proud Hands
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Rest in Peace Kim Jung GiMay his legacy bring about new strengthened artists.
Hey Proud,
I thought I would give you some feedback on your drawing. Once again, it has a nice 3 dimensional feel to it, which is nice. The thing I think you could work on is the gesture of your poses. This pose tends to be stiff because every part of the body is very straight. I did a quick sketch to show you what I think could help your drawings, I hope it helps :)
Hello Steve, inessenzielle able to correct the bunny yet, because of an upcoming presentation. But in todays stream unthought about the c and s curves a lot so implemented them in a new drawing
If you don’t mind I will use this topic to share my daily art with you guys! Here comes the first by Reddit user Gold_BonniePlayz
Steve Lenze
Hey ithilion2007,
Nice to meet you. I like your drawings, they have a lot of energy and for the most part, a nice 3 dimensional feel to them. Keep posting :)
Dear Steve, thank you very much! It is an honor to get a comment from someone with such a long work experience! I like your drawings as well, especially your material about anatomy! There is a lot of useful stuff with hints not many teachers would even point at. I will continue to work smarter!
Dear Community, i am a first time poster in this community. I am a bin fan of promo since a long time! I wanted to introduce myself by posting a few recent pictures of mine because I finally have gathered the self confidence to do so. I am not a hired artist yet but I hope to be able to have sustainable living soon. The journey ahead is still… maybe long? I hope to make many friends here! Will take part in the community challenges from now on regularly. :-)
with best regards,
Proud Hands