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Hugo Champier
added comment inHow to Draw Pecs – Anatomy & Form
Asked for help
Tried doing some other examples after I realized that my volumes were completely off. I'm probably going to watch and rewatch Stan's critique for this one, but I would really appreciate some feedbacks and/ or retakes :)
Hope y'all are well !
Asked for help
This year I´m doing a 364 days challenge to finally end this course a day por lesson. Every day I will post my progress.
Make great things everyone, 2 lesson done 362 to come.
Hi, I'm Yoon! I'm a tattoo apprentice.
In the drawing department I'm mostly self-taught, with loads of help from channels like prokotv and sinix on Youtube.
I joined to participate in Proktober 2021, and also to see what other gems the community's hiding outside of Youtube! ;)
Here's some of my more recent stuff, there's more on my IG
Thanks for having meeee
Since I'm essentially anatomy illiterate, for the first thee assignments I did them while following along with the videos. Then, for the last two I tried to do it on my own first, based on what I could remember and the various bumps I could see. Afterwards, I did a retrace while following the videos to see what I got wrong.
Hugo Champier
Hello, I don't get it. What's the difference in the movements of the Ellipsoid Joint between Extension and adduction? It looks very much the same to me. Any help?
Thx, Hugo
Hi, Hugo
Adduction/abduction refers refers to movement away from mid line. Extension/flexion It's about increasing or decreasing the angle between the parts. It's confusing but take the little finger as an example.
If you close your hand and bring it to the palm you're flexing it, because you're decreasing the angle between the finger and the palm.
The opposite movement is extension because you're increasing the angle between finger and palm.
If you move you're moving your finger side to side you're abducting and adducting it because you're moving away and closer to the midline, but as the angle between the palm and the finger remains constant you're not extending or flexing it.
If this get too confusing in most cases flexion/extension occurs front to back and adduction and abduction occurs side to side.
Hope it helps, Best regards