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added comment inJeff Watts on Line Quality
Jeff says to set specific goals to keep moving forward. At this stage, what are my goals besides learn to draw or improve? I'm floundering here, i cant find the forrest OR the trees, specific daily/ weekly goals might help. The obvious goal is to draw everyday, but Jeff is talking about something more specific & meaningful. I'd like to know what please.
Christina Schneck
First time posting and adding images without help.
I did watch the video before watching. I like reading and watching movies by knowing the end first as it helps with anxiety. Since I didn't know what you meant by a plain, I was just waiting for courage and you posted the demo. It was fun drawing with your very informative and helpful instruction.
Howdy fellow learners!
Long time Proko lurker, first-time poster. Here is my first attempt at the pear. I struggled with defining a precise shape for the darkest halftone. I'll need to study Stan (and yall in the community) to get a better idea of simplifying that shape. I only saw one highlight in the reference (as opposed to three in Stan's drawing). I wonder if that was a design choice Stan made?
Onward and upward!
Cheers! =)