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Drawing boxes
I wanted to start practicing with boxes using an ink pen so I don’t try to fix any mistakes I make and to practice perspective. I see my lines are still lacking in confidence so that’s why I’m using a pen. Can anyone help me to improve my boxes and perspective? It would be appreciated!
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Portraits in perspective
Decided to try portraits in perspective. I’m not very good but I know I can get better with practice. Critique appreciated.
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Gesture drawings
Some more gesture drawings, I feel confident whenever I do these now. I was always hesitant when I started drawing any gesture before but now doing these everyday has boosted my confidence. Of course there still not perfect by any means and I would still love some critique and tips if anyone can help.
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One point perspective
Decided to do some one point perspective with my gesture drawing practices. Critique appreciated.
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Gesture drawings
Another round of gesture drawings. It’s getting easier to draw these, I’m starting to notice I don’t hesitate as much when I do these now and my lines are starting to get a little bit cleaner! Critique appreciated.
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More gesture drawings
Another round of gesture drawings, I used the timed drawing tools on the website to practice these. Critique appreciated.
I want to focus on gesture and perspective because I think I’m lacking in those subjects to get better at drawing. I want to show these one point perspective drawings I did today and get help on what I need to improve.
Steve Lenze
These do look pretty good, they have some nice weight to them and feel solid, but you are using too much anatomy in these and it is working against your gesture. You are trying to add all the bumps and shapes to the silhouette, so your drawings are not true gesture drawings. Try to find "S" and "C" curves that describe the whole pose from top to bottom. Try to see the rhythms in the limbs and how they add to the gesture. I did a quick sketch to show you what I mean, I hope it helps :)
So that's what Ive been noticing in some of the gesture drawings I do, I guess Ive been trying to get it to look right instead of trying to just get the gesture and flow of it. Thank you for the reply, I'll try to loosen up next time i do gesture drawing.
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Some more gesture drawings
So I’ve been doing some more gesture drawings in the past week and I think I’m starting to get the hang of gesture alittle bit. Sometimes I try different things to get the gesture right without noticing. Critique is appreciated.
Jesper Axelsson
Hi @gimmiki , nice drawings! The structure is clear, and there is a nice sense of balance as you angle the hips and shoulders, creating nice rhythms. I'll do my best to help you further 😎👍 - How would you like your quicksketches to look? Knowing this might help me guide you in a direction that's relevant for you. What qualities would you like them to have? Do you have any work by another artist in mind? A drawing could be approached differently depending on what your goal with it is. It is likely that your drawing will go through stages. Animators for example, might start with a drawing focusing on the gesture (the acting; what the character is doing), then tie it down in another pass, to make sure that it's on model. Like Glen Keane does here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JA7Naf0RF4M&t=7s . Or to mention another process: maybe you start with the structure of the figure (the placement of the parts), then clarify the rhythm between when you add the wrinkles of the clothing. The point is: you probably won't do everything at the same time. If you want the figure to be drawn with a certain style of line, you'll probably add this first after having done a solid drawing. So; trying to have a clear mind, not trying to do everything at the same time. - While waiting for my reply on your reply of my question, maybe you could try this: I would study Dr. Paul Richer's canon of proportions (Human Proportions – Average Figure ). Take one of your drawings, and with the head you've drawn as reference for measurment, count heads and adjust your figures to match the canon. Remember that as things move in and out of space the proportions are distorted, so for many poses you can't measure the graphic lenght of the head on the paper and use that measurement. In those cases you could imagine what the measurment would be if you tilted it in space. I hope this helps :)
I guess what I'm looking for is to get my proportions correct. I feel as if when I go through my quick sketches they become more disproportioned and wonky. I try to use the head as a measuring tool but I feel as if the measurements are off when I try to transfer it to the page. I also want to make them cleaner and not have as many lines.
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