just a young artist doing stuff idk lol, I love all the advice I can get from others outside my art teacher!
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just a small peak into my sketchbook! Working on making some of these sketches into full projects!!!
Any advice or feedback would be amazing!!!
Thank you guys so much!
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Digital Art Advice for a beginner digital artist
Hi Proko community!
I was wondering what advice you guys would have for someone who have an understanding of traditional art ( somewhat ) but is trying to learn digital art. There is definitely a learning curve that I'm hitting but I understand photoshop ( my platform of choice ) well enough. I would love any type of advice, book/YouTube recommendation or really any type of comment. This is my best digital piece up to date ( ignore the hand lol ) and I hope this helps you place my skill level. Thank you all so much!!
Please check out my profile to see my traditional pieces because I would love advice on those as well!!
For figure and gesture drawing, I recommend "Figure Drawing For All It's Worth" By Andrew Loomis. I'm pretty sure you can find it at Barnes and Noble for 40 dollars or always check your local library!
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Hi hi everyone!
My name is Gabbie and I am a young artist who is mostly self taught ( a couple of art courses at school here and there but that's it ). I have been taking my art more seriously for about 2 years now. I feel like my art is kind of starting to slow in progress and not really getting better. I take art classes at my school, but I would really appreciate any type of criticism or feedback. I added some of my best pieces. My dream is to work in the art industry in some way, but I am unsure exactly what I want to do yet.
Thanks so much everyone!!!
Hi! I'm in no way a professional artist so take what I say with a grain of salt ( I'm pretty sure that's the saying haha ) but I wanted to mention a few things I noticed while viewing your piece!
First of all, I love the way you drew the hair and shirt, I think it looks really good. Some issues I noticed with your piece is that the face is too thin, this in turn makes all the facial feature look too big compared to the reference. Furthermore, some of the details in the drawing seem too focused upon, especially the smile lines. I feel like if you blend them out a bit more accurate to the study ( if that's what you are going for ). Overall, I think that the study was really strong, especially with the lighting ( which I think you captured well ). For next time, I think I would focus more upon the initial proportions so that the rest of your features in the drawing falls into place.
I hope this post made sense and this helped even if it only helped a bit! Have a great day :))
( Also I totally agree that there needs to be a name for the community haha )
Hi @gabbie_sucks_at_usernames,
Thank you so much!! Your feedback definitely helped. I do feel that I am quite impatient sometimes with laying down the initial proportions. Will try to work on that! Thank you!! :)
'Grain of salt' is correct I believe :P.
Your feedback certainly made sense!
Thanks again and have a great day as welll!
I am in no position to comment, but for what it’s worth, I love your drawing. I actually think you’ve captured something of the likeness, although you’re right about edge and shape. But, I also think you’ve captured the issues with edge that are also in the reference. It adds to the charm. 😊
Not that it’s easy (I’m struggling and failing with the same thing), but what I’m hearing over and over again is to work on the measurements. Of course, that’s much easier said than done, and I’m working on it too, but as far as I can tell, that’s where you might focus. Maybe this is what you mean by shape. I love it, though. 😊