Franklin Elliott
Franklin Elliott
Activity Feed
Franklin Elliott
Fun exercise… the snail will follow soon (it’s a little slow)
Franklin Elliott
I was going to attempt the snail again but I anted to post my work before watching Stan’s interpretation. So this is my second try at the snail assignment.
6 attempts later I think this turned out the best. Feedback always welcome :) Off to try some different fruits now!
Franklin Elliott
Franklin Elliott
Really good pear! Any criticism is welcome. 
My pear at the third attempt with images about my process. Any critism is welcome.
Franklin Elliott
Really nice. You approached it a little differently than I did. I had more of an Andrew Loomis approach. But we both got there. I’ll post mine as soon as I get a chance. Have to take my wife to work now.
Hi all, I'm really excited about this. I hope I'm not the only "oldie" here. I'm 50yo, working as a nurse, have been drawing a lot in my teens and then stopped completely. I started again about 6 years ago but never had any training like this. However intuition only takes you so far, so I have been looking for a way to learn basic skills for some time. And here it is! I really hope I can keep up with the lessons as they come along ...
Franklin Elliott
Hi Elena, I’m an oldie as well. Just celebrated my 73rd Christmas. Same basic story, drew when I was a kid then took drawing courses during my under-grad years but life got too busy. Timing is still going to be a trick. I’m retired (sort of) with 6 of our adopted kids still at home (5 teenagers and a 23 yo just finishing college). I'm really excited about the course as an opportunity to fill in the art/draftsman gaps and then forge ahead. 
Franklin Elliott
They’re gesture drawings… you did a great job… quit stressing and move on.
Simon L
Haha, Thanks, I’ll try!
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